Life Film Rating Meme Thingy

I came across something on Steve Pugh’s site that gave his life as a film rating. Apparently, he’s a 15. So I thought I’d have a go at the film rating quiz myself.

So there I am, filling it in, thinking “ho hum, I’m a nice, normal, middle of the road, perfectly sensible, probably coming out as a 12 or something kind of a guy”, when I come out with this:

My life has been rated:

18 rating; click to find out yours

Suitable for 18 years or older. This is real life. Anything in this category is considered to be of subject matter relating to adult life, that happens day in and day out. Walking down the street is an 18 certificate. You have a life, well done.

Created by Bart King

And I thought holy motherfucking shit, how in the name of Hell did I come out with this? Some bastard is going to get a serious kicking if they don’t stop accusing me of being all violent and sweary. I’m sweet and innocent. But more important than that, Steve Pugh got a 15. Whaddya have to do to get a 15?

Hmm… on reflection, it appears that lying about my tastes in music (all the best songs have got pain in them somewhere: Paint it Black, People Are Strange, Killing In The Name Of) and pretending that I don’t ever swear, no sirree, sir, ma’am, would have been enough to downgrade me to a 15. As when I think back on all the crap I learned in High School, it’s a wonder I can think at all — no, wait — when I think back on the questions, I wasn’t violent at all. Or depraved. I just swear, drink beer and like quality music. Ah well, fuck it. I’m off to listen to Metallica’s Kill ‘em All…

7 Responses to “Life Film Rating Meme Thingy”

  1. Steve Pugh responds:

    I’m southern, you’re northern, hence I am more acceptable to the establishment. Clearly the film censors want to protect impressionable teenagers from your dangerous geordie lifestyle.

  2. mark fairlamb responds:

    you won’t believe this, i’ve just done it and come out with a 12a!
    if i come out with 12a and you are an 18, there is obviously something you’re not telling us about.

  3. Mike Cherim responds:

    15 for me!

  4. Emma responds:

    I’m suitable for 15 years and under.

    Yeah, an 18 certificate does suggest there’s something we don’t know.

  5. Steve responds:

    I’m a 15.

    Is that “AA” in the old film ratings? Sounds more exciting. That makes you an “X” certificate.

  6. JackP responds:

    Hmm… maybe it was just the necrophilia/anything that moves questions then. Some people are just so uptight, doncha think?

    I’m only kidding … I can’t keep up with things that move

  7. Dan responds:

    You are rated: Special and legally restricted. R18. You are filthy. Congratulations!

    I knew I should have lied.

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