Comments on: a sceptic cursed with a thirst… standards, accessibility, and ranting and general stuff by the web chemist Wed, 29 Oct 2008 03:57:16 +0000 By: mark fairlamb mark fairlamb Fri, 27 Apr 2007 12:45:12 +0000 if someone further down the corridor opened another door then any subsequent rush of air in our out would disturb your door (especially if they are fire doors and have rubber seals around them). the thing in the pub was probably a ghosteeee if someone further down the corridor opened another door then any subsequent rush of air in our out would disturb your door (especially if they are fire doors and have rubber seals around them).
the thing in the pub was probably a ghosteeee

By: Marcel Cairo Marcel Cairo Fri, 27 Apr 2007 12:41:47 +0000 FYI, I am not claiming any special powers, just a refined ability to sense, hear and detect consciousness to consciousness communication. The real questions behind ghosts, spirits and apparitions are what is consciousness, where does it reside and does consciousness survive the death of the brain. If you are really interested in understanding the philosophical/scientific debate behind all this, please visit <a href="" rel="nofollow">David Chalmers website</a>. FYI, I am not claiming any special powers, just a refined ability to sense, hear and detect consciousness to consciousness communication. The real questions behind ghosts, spirits and apparitions are what is consciousness, where does it reside and does consciousness survive the death of the brain.

If you are really interested in understanding the philosophical/scientific debate behind all this, please visit David Chalmers website.
