Comments on: For England and Saint George! standards, accessibility, and ranting and general stuff by the web chemist Sat, 05 Apr 2008 18:40:09 +0000 By: ThePickards » Blog Archive » 33: A Meme ThePickards » Blog Archive » 33: A Meme Sat, 02 Jun 2007 00:39:24 +0000 [...] For England, and Saint George! [...] […] For England, and Saint George! […]

By: Marcel Cairo Marcel Cairo Fri, 27 Apr 2007 12:31:04 +0000 Ehhhmmm... Dear former colonialist, now that we are all proud of fair play, do you think we can discuss returning the Malvinas back to their proper owner. :-) Ehhhmmm… Dear former colonialist, now that we are all proud of fair play, do you think we can discuss returning the Malvinas back to their proper owner. :-)

By: bruce bruce Tue, 24 Apr 2007 06:25:27 +0000 Completely agree about the fair crack of the whip point. I remember reading about Lord Mountbatten, the last governor of India. The author was outraged that Mountbatten had allegedly said of a servant, "I don't care whether he's a muslim, a hindu or a Sikh, as long as he can make a good cup of tea", complaining it was dismissive and borderline racist. I think it's an excellent saying and sums up the Engllish character well; as long as you can do what you're paid to do, it doesn't matter about your religion - it's a meritocracy. It also encompasses the fantastic English reticence about discussing religion; most of us see it as a private matter. Mountbatten may or may not have been a patrician fool who wrecked India, but he was right in this case. Completely agree about the fair crack of the whip point.

I remember reading about Lord Mountbatten, the last governor of India. The author was outraged that Mountbatten had allegedly said of a servant, “I don’t care whether he’s a muslim, a hindu or a Sikh, as long as he can make a good cup of tea”, complaining it was dismissive and borderline racist.

I think it’s an excellent saying and sums up the Engllish character well; as long as you can do what you’re paid to do, it doesn’t matter about your religion - it’s a meritocracy.

It also encompasses the fantastic English reticence about discussing religion; most of us see it as a private matter.

Mountbatten may or may not have been a patrician fool who wrecked India, but he was right in this case.
