Don’t Tell My Wife, Either…

But I’m worth about £2000 as a corpse! At least, according to the Cadaver Calculator


And Marcel’s corpse is worth $90 more than mine. But then, being a medium, I suppose he’ll have better contacts…

3 Responses to “Don’t Tell My Wife, Either…”

  1. Joe Dolson responds:

    Woo hoo! I’m worth $5,025!

    I’m not sure I wanted to know that…

  2. Marcel Cairo responds:


    Is it the cigs that brought your stock down, or the sodas? :-)

    I don’t even know if you smoke or not, but I always imagine English people smoking for some reason.

    Thanks for the hat tip.

  3. Jaybee responds:

    YAY! $4375!

    Where do I cash in?

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