Comments on: Britain’s Bad Side standards, accessibility, and ranting and general stuff by the web chemist Sun, 06 Apr 2008 05:21:33 +0000 By: JackP JackP Tue, 13 Nov 2007 21:28:30 +0000 @Mark: that was why I'd emphasised the "as long as they aren't hurting anyone by it" in the 'religious intolerance' bit. Where someone has beliefs that lead them to hurt others - whether as extreme as suicide bombings or something on a much smaller scale - I don't expect <em>those</em> beliefs to be tolerated. To some extent it's a vicious circle, however: groups of young asians (usually) get racially abused (when they might previously have classed themselves as perfectly British -- born and bred here -- but have been racially abused simply because of their skin colour). Many then reject that society, walk down the path of religious fundamentalism and some become so polarised that they are prepared to hurt and kill others in the name of that belief. In turn, this makes more people distrustful of that ethnic group, which makes the situation worse... and so on. It's not a problem that can be solved by any <em>one</em> ethnic group: simply because it isn't people from only one group who are acting in a manner that provokes hate (but nor is it everyone from any single group!). It's something that we all need to work on: we need to tackle those preaching hate (of whatever variety) head on, and challenge it. Only by doing that can we end the cycle of violence. Well, that's what I think anyway. I've got an interesting book to read soon - the autobiography of a British Asian who became a jihadist (?) and then later rejected those teachings - it's called "The Islamist". I'll write something up about it when I've finished - it'd be interesting to see how someone who's actually gone down that path and come back again feels about it. @Mark:
that was why I’d emphasised the “as long as they aren’t hurting anyone by it” in the ‘religious intolerance’ bit. Where someone has beliefs that lead them to hurt others - whether as extreme as suicide bombings or something on a much smaller scale - I don’t expect those beliefs to be tolerated.

To some extent it’s a vicious circle, however: groups of young asians (usually) get racially abused (when they might previously have classed themselves as perfectly British — born and bred here — but have been racially abused simply because of their skin colour).

Many then reject that society, walk down the path of religious fundamentalism and some become so polarised that they are prepared to hurt and kill others in the name of that belief. In turn, this makes more people distrustful of that ethnic group, which makes the situation worse… and so on.

It’s not a problem that can be solved by any one ethnic group: simply because it isn’t people from only one group who are acting in a manner that provokes hate (but nor is it everyone from any single group!).

It’s something that we all need to work on: we need to tackle those preaching hate (of whatever variety) head on, and challenge it. Only by doing that can we end the cycle of violence.

Well, that’s what I think anyway.

I’ve got an interesting book to read soon - the autobiography of a British Asian who became a jihadist (?) and then later rejected those teachings - it’s called “The Islamist”. I’ll write something up about it when I’ve finished - it’d be interesting to see how someone who’s actually gone down that path and come back again feels about it.

By: mark fairlamb mark fairlamb Tue, 13 Nov 2007 12:02:22 +0000 what about people who complain about racist attitudes, defending their britishness when the colour of their skin might be questioned and then go blowing innocent people up in the name of their middle-eastern brothers? is that hypocrisy classed as a british problem or not? what about people who complain about racist attitudes, defending their britishness when the colour of their skin might be questioned and then go blowing innocent people up in the name of their middle-eastern brothers?
is that hypocrisy classed as a british problem or not?

By: Rob Mason Rob Mason Tue, 13 Nov 2007 10:46:54 +0000 The tabloid media are not worthy of shame frankly. It's not about reporting the news, it's about selling the highest number of paper or getting the highest number of viewing figures. Gun culture and the murdering of innocent children (Rhys Jones as a specific example) makes be ashamed to be English. General lack of respect for others and the world around you (litter, dog mess, petty vandalism) p***es me off no end and makes me ashamed to share the same country with these people. Politicians do not make me proud. Less and less to the stand for the values of this country. the spend more time winning votes than actually doing stuff to improve our society. The tabloid media are not worthy of shame frankly. It’s not about reporting the news, it’s about selling the highest number of paper or getting the highest number of viewing figures.

Gun culture and the murdering of innocent children (Rhys Jones as a specific example) makes be ashamed to be English.

General lack of respect for others and the world around you (litter, dog mess, petty vandalism) p***es me off no end and makes me ashamed to share the same country with these people.

Politicians do not make me proud. Less and less to the stand for the values of this country. the spend more time winning votes than actually doing stuff to improve our society.

By: Chris Hunt Chris Hunt Tue, 13 Nov 2007 09:19:42 +0000 I'm ashamed of our tabloid press - the McCann coverage being but one example of its horrors. Whatever happened to just telling the news? I’m ashamed of our tabloid press - the McCann coverage being but one example of its horrors. Whatever happened to just telling the news?

By: Seb Crump Seb Crump Tue, 13 Nov 2007 09:14:31 +0000 The fact that even though we already have the <a href=",,2209527,00.html" rel="nofollow">longest detention without charge times in comparable countries</a>, it is being considered that it should be extended. The fact that even though we already have the longest detention without charge times in comparable countries, it is being considered that it should be extended.
