Comments on: Chasing The Flush standards, accessibility, and ranting and general stuff by the web chemist Mon, 12 Nov 2007 03:10:57 +0000 By: Rob Mason Rob Mason Thu, 08 Nov 2007 15:47:35 +0000 This one of those comments when I think should I comment....anyway no I don't. I also never use a that weird? This one of those comments when I think should I comment….anyway no I don’t.

I also never use a urinal…ever…is that weird?

By: Mike Cherim Mike Cherim Thu, 08 Nov 2007 13:58:11 +0000 Never. At a urinal I flush when stepping back. If it's a toilet, I always close the lid before flushing. The reasoning results from a documentary I once saw about the invisible world around us... you, know, showing a person's sneeze in slow motion with special lighting meant to make all the particles visible. A toilet is the same as a sneeze, but worse, and a bit more gross. When a toilet is flushed it puts into the air a rather large cloud of an extremely fine mist. Think Hiroshima. Yeah, like that, except pissy, germy water. Yuk. Lends a whole new meaning to "oops, I mist the can, man" eh? I can't believe I just wrote such a long comment on such a short subject :) Never. At a urinal I flush when stepping back. If it’s a toilet, I always close the lid before flushing. The reasoning results from a documentary I once saw about the invisible world around us… you, know, showing a person’s sneeze in slow motion with special lighting meant to make all the particles visible. A toilet is the same as a sneeze, but worse, and a bit more gross. When a toilet is flushed it puts into the air a rather large cloud of an extremely fine mist. Think Hiroshima. Yeah, like that, except pissy, germy water. Yuk.

Lends a whole new meaning to “oops, I mist the can, man” eh?

I can’t believe I just wrote such a long comment on such a short subject :)

By: Mike Mike Thu, 08 Nov 2007 13:07:15 +0000 Haha I did it this morning! When I was a kid I would spice it up a bit by telling myself that if I didn't win something catastrophic would happen... like the world would blow up or something. Some days I still wish I was a superhero... Haha I did it this morning! When I was a kid I would spice it up a bit by telling myself that if I didn’t win something catastrophic would happen… like the world would blow up or something. Some days I still wish I was a superhero…

By: mark fairlamb mark fairlamb Thu, 08 Nov 2007 10:23:35 +0000 i actually did it yesterday, first time in years i actually did it yesterday, first time in years
