Lyn’s Email Meme Transmogrified

I got an email meme in my inbox today from me old mate Lyn, who I’ve known since the days when I was a student, and who I’ve just about managed to keep in contact with over the years. I don’t particularly do email memes, but I’m happy to do blog ones, so I’ve transmogrified this into a blog one.

Hope that’s okay with everyone…if you want to take part, feel free: it’d be nice if you let me know but obviously you’re under no obligation to do so…

Were you named after anyone?
It’s difficult to tell. I think I was mostly named Jack because my parents liked the name, but there might also have been a hint of being named Jack after a family friend called Jack Rawling(s?). You have to remember Jack was an unusual name at the time, whereas every Tom, Dick and Harry was being called Thomas, Richard or Harold…
When was the last time you cried?
Last week when one of the children accidentally jumped feet first on my testicles when I’d made the foolish mistake of sitting on the floor.
Do you like your handwriting?
No, but I don’t really dislike it either. It serves a purpose. It’s not bad (unless I’m writing very hurriedly), but it’s not exactly artistic either.
What is your favourite lunch meat?
Lunch meat? As opposed to breakfast meat? Or dinner meat? I’m not sure I understand the question, but I’ve had Ostrich once and that was nice (as was crocodile)
Do you have kids?
Yes, two.
If you were another person would you be friends with you?
Of course. I’m lovely.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Me? Sarcasm? Naaaaah…. :-;
Do you still have your tonsils?
Well, I’ve not checked recently, but I’d presume so…
Would you bungee jump?
Not for a million pounds. Well, actually, probably I would, for a million pounds.
What is your favourite cereal?
Crunchy nut cornflakes or own brand equivalent thereof
Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
The pair I’m wearing now are slip ons so that would be difficult…
Do you think you are strong?
Relatively. Not Mr. Universe, but not Mr. Puniverse either. I can twist the lid of jars and all sorts…
What is your favourite ice cream?
That Baileys one…
What is the first thing you notice about people?
Normally whether or not they’re smiling.
Red or pink?
What is the least favourite thing about yourself?

Dunno really. I quite like who I am — not that I’m claiming to be perfect — but I’m satisfied to be me.
Who do you miss the most?
Grandparents. The university friends I’ve lost contact with. And whoever you are.
Do you want everyone to send this back to you?
Not bothered. It’d be nice to see at least one person do it, but the thing about memes is you just never know which ones will take off…
What was the last thing you ate?
A crumpet with margarine on, about half an hour ago.
What are you listening to right now?
Silence. Although I can just hear the washing machine on spin cycle in the background.
If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?
Yellowy-orange. Or maybe a rich green.
Favourite smells?
Home cooking; Theakston’s Old Peculier
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Me ma.
Do you like the person who sent this to you?
Wey aye! She’s a reet canny lass, like.
Favourite sport to watch?
Hair colour?
Eye colour?
Do you wear contacts?
Favourite Food?
Depends on mood. Sometimes something like chicken fajitas, sometimes tikka chicken madras, sometimes roast beef with yorkshire pudding…
Scary movies or happy endings?
Scary movies with happy endings. Like Shaun of the Dead. A rom-zom-com. Who could ask for more?
Last movie you watched?
Ratatouille. Assuming that’s how you spell it.
What colour shirt are you wearing?
Earlier today, black buttoned shirt. Now, white tee.
Summer or winter?
Is that a preference or do you not have access to the calendar? Given a choice, I’d go winter. Summer has hayfever and wasps, neither of which I like…
Hugs or kisses
Hugs for comfort. Kisses for … other things.
Favourite dessert?
Atacama, Peru. Sorry, I never have been able to answer this question seriously.
Most likely to respond?
Not really applicable, as I’m not mailing it
Least likely to respond?
Anyone who doesn’t read it, or have a website.
What book are you reading now?
I’m not. I’ve just finished reading Karma, by Holly A. Harvey. Weren’t you listening?
What is on your mouse pad?
My mouse. “Discworld II” — from a PC computer game. I’ve also got a Newcastle United one and a Little Britain “computer says no” one.
What did you watch on TV last night?
Ugly Betty on E4
Favourite sound?
Good music
Rolling Stones or Beatles?
Oooh. What a question. Musically, the Stones are more my cup of tea. If you start with the Stones, you can drift into Rock, into Blues, into R&B; they represent the influences of a lot of fine musical traditions and are a band I think all parents should force their kids to listen to to make sure they like proper music. But lyrically, I prefer the Beatles…
What is the furthest you have been from home?
The Greek islands. Not much of an explorer, I’m afraid…
Do you have a special talent?
Depends what you call special. I’m pretty good at a number of things, but I think “special talent” tends to lean towards sideshow freakery, so maybe not…
Where were you born?
Whose answers are you looking forward to getting back?
Anyone’s. I’m always interested to hear about my readers, particularly any of them about whom I don’t already know well.

2 Responses to “Lyn’s Email Meme Transmogrified”

  1. Mike responds:

    Oh, I got this one too.
    Mine went straight in the bin though…

  2. Gill responds:

    Aaaaargh! MySpace invades the blogs!

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