Archive for July, 2008
Sea Life, Sea Food, See Bridge, See Art
Monday, July 21, 2008 0:54 4 CommentsIt’s been a busy week for the kiddywinks this week. BTP’s nursery had a graduation ceremony for all of the kids who would be starting school in September (I think they have it early so that it’s less likely to clash with family holidays etc). First, the kids performed Peter Pan, where BTP was a [...]
Facebook: Would you rather be insecure or illegal?
Sunday, July 20, 2008 15:49 1 CommentIf you’re a facebook member, current thinking would suggest that you either need to be at risk of information being exposed which could potentially be used in a social engineering attack against you or you can break the law. It’s your choice. Why is this? Well, according to Graham Cluley from Sophos: …last night I [...]
The Most Random List of Favorites You’ll Ever See (In Order of Shannon’s Imagination)
Sunday, July 20, 2008 0:12 31 CommentsCompletely bizarre and random list of favourites (these Americans can’t spell properly, you know) found over at Milan To Minsk, which just out of sheer bloody-mindedness, I have decided to treat as a meme. I am not changing the questions at all from the original, but obviously the answers will, in many cases, be different [...]
The Devil no longer has all the best tunes.
Saturday, July 19, 2008 0:12 2 CommentsCesare Bonizzi looks like the archetypal Capuchin monk — round-faced, stout, with twinkling eyes and a long flowing white beard. But beneath his robes beats a heart of metal.[...] The 62-year-old monk’s love affair with heavy metal began when he attended a Metallica concert some 15 years ago.BBC News He’s certainly got the voice for [...]
Friday, July 18, 2008 17:22 2 CommentsBritish sprinter Dwain Chambers will not be able to run at the Olympics after he lost his attempt to overturn his lifetime ban…”In my judgment it would take a much better case than the claimant has presented to persuade me to overturn the status quo at this stage and compel his selection for the Games.”BBC [...]
London & Stab Fever
Friday, July 18, 2008 0:26 21 CommentsI’ve been to London this week. I made it back without being stabbed, mugged, beaten up, having my mobile stolen or indeed anything else untoward happening. I wouldn’t normally see this as worthy of note, only the media coverage generally seems to imply that you can’t travel more than about 30 yards without coming across [...]
Thursday, July 17, 2008 0:18 3 CommentsThey grow up so bloomin’ quick, don’t they? I mean, it doesn’t seem five minutes ago that we’d just moved into a new house with this little fella. And then just the other day I had to go and pick up these things from the school he’ll be starting in September. (And, you’ll note, displayed [...]
Centre for Life
Wednesday, July 16, 2008 0:19 19 CommentsYeah, yeah, ’tis more family stuff. If you were stopping by because you were hoping for some rant about accessibility, disability politics, other politics, or something to do with the web, then I’m sorry, but I ain’t got nothing for you today. I’ll try and get some things together about that sort of thing soon, [...]
Screw Bronze
Tuesday, July 15, 2008 0:44 3 CommentsThere’s this blogger I know who is dying; her body is giving out on her. I don’t mean she’s got something that will eventually get her; I mean she’s in that final Departure Lounge. And she’s writing about it in a way — like most of her writing — that is powerful, visceral and sometimes [...]
Research This!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008 0:27 1 CommentMomentous events in your life such as having children, or getting married, may make you happier, but only temporarily, say researchers [...] the researchers calculated that the happiness increase delivered by the birth of a child lasted for two years before the volunteers ratings were back to normal. BBC News Tosh! My children still bring [...]