Comments on: Ghostbusting in the North East ranting and rambling to anyone willing to listen Thu, 04 Feb 2010 11:32:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Collegue Man Collegue Man Mon, 03 Mar 2008 01:41:55 +0000 OK old bean here is the deal we invite this organisation in to investigate a property (probably mine as it fits the bill as an older house) make up a story which in nonsense but believable, and see if they fit an explination to it which requires a financial cost to fix. I mean sometimes I am convinced I see people moving in the shadows when go to get a drink without turning the kitchen lights on.. OK old bean here is the deal we invite this organisation in to investigate a property (probably mine as it fits the bill as an older house) make up a story which in nonsense but believable, and see if they fit an explination to it which requires a financial cost to fix.

I mean sometimes I am convinced I see people moving in the shadows when go to get a drink without turning the kitchen lights on..
