Comments on: The Rock Goes Public ranting and rambling to anyone willing to listen Wed, 15 Jul 2009 15:47:42 +0100 hourly 1 By: Rob Mason Rob Mason Tue, 19 Feb 2008 12:24:40 +0000 The worst part of it all is that Ron Sandler is being put in charge of it. He's the one who came up with the stakeholder pension...least successful product initiative in financial services <em>ever</em>. The government can't even run themselves let alone a commercial organisation. The worst part of it all is that Ron Sandler is being put in charge of it. He’s the one who came up with the stakeholder pension…least successful product initiative in financial services ever.

The government can’t even run themselves let alone a commercial organisation.

By: Seb Crump Seb Crump Mon, 18 Feb 2008 07:45:33 +0000 <blockquote>nationalisation - the first such move since the 1970s </blockquote> Erm how come the BBC have forgotten about Railtrack? I also took exception to their sensationalist "government will now be responsible for millions of savers and mortgages", erm... unlike National Savings or NS&I as it seems to be called these days.

nationalisation – the first such move since the 1970s

Erm how come the BBC have forgotten about Railtrack?

I also took exception to their sensationalist “government will now be responsible for millions of savers and mortgages”, erm… unlike National Savings or NS&I as it seems to be called these days.
