Comments on: Hot Blood And Pies ranting and rambling to anyone willing to listen Sat, 27 Jun 2009 22:12:02 +0100 hourly 1 By: Andy Mabbett Andy Mabbett Sun, 23 Mar 2008 10:47:21 +0000 Maconie interviewed me once. For Q. He even visited me at home to do so. Since you're on Facebook, you might want to use the "iRead" application to list your current, past and intended reading: Maconie interviewed me once. For Q. He even visited me at home to do so.

Since you’re on Facebook, you might want to use the “iRead” application to list your current, past and intended reading:

By: Mike Mike Fri, 14 Mar 2008 15:35:18 +0000 I started reading Maconie's Pies in the airport on the way to Berlin last month. Very entertaining it was too, until I had to leave the bookshop and board my flight... I started reading Maconie’s Pies in the airport on the way to Berlin last month. Very entertaining it was too, until I had to leave the bookshop and board my flight…

By: Steve Steve Sun, 09 Mar 2008 20:36:59 +0000 I like Maconie's radio shows, especially the one he does on Radio 2 with Mark Radcliffe (and the weird programme on 6 music is good too). It's a shame he's probably best known for talking-head ness. I've thought about reading this. It reminds me of a book by the brilliant Simon Armitage called _All Points North_ from about ten years ago which is excellent and wwell worth reading. But I'm from London, so what would I know? :-) I like Maconie’s radio shows, especially the one he does on Radio 2 with Mark Radcliffe (and the weird programme on 6 music is good too). It’s a shame he’s probably best known for talking-head ness.

I’ve thought about reading this. It reminds me of a book by the brilliant Simon Armitage called _All Points North_ from about ten years ago which is excellent and wwell worth reading.

But I’m from London, so what would I know? :-)
