Overheard On A Train

Did you know my mother shares the same birthday as the porn star Ron Jeremy?Mr Talking-Loudly-On-The-Train

…um, no, as it happens. Given that I didn’t know when either your mother’s birthday or Ron Jeremy’s birthday was. Do they usually have a joint birthday do? And why choose Ron Jeremy as the one — out of presumably hundreds of other people — to mention?

Well, my mother shares her birthday with Neville Chamberlain (famous for holding paper), Wilson Pickett (famous when in the midnight hour), Wilfred Owen (famous for saying there’s nothing big or clever about getting killed fighting for your country, and then getting killed fighting for his country). Amongst others.

So there, Mr. Talking-Loudly-On-The-Train. How d’you like that, eh?

One Response to “Overheard On A Train”

  1. Jack's Mam responds:

    Thank you for that information, son, but can I just make it clear that I only share my birthday ANNIVERSARY with those people- otherwise I would be even older than you already think I am!

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