Paris for Pres

In the US presidential election, John McCain’s latest campaign ad said that Barack Obama was ‘the biggest celebrity’ in the world, cutting in a picture of Paris Hilton and suggesting that this didn’t necessarily mean that he was ready to lead.

Except it seemed to upset Paris Hilton that she was used to imply Obama was some kind of intellectual lightweight, since they had donated money to McCain’s campaign, only for him to then use her negatively in his adds.

So she released her own campaign ad instead, on Funny or Die, talking about John McCain as “the oldest celebrity in the world… like super-old” interspersed with pictures of zombies and Yoda, and talking about her energy policy for the White House (which she plans to paint pink).

Now I’ve never previously been a fan of Paris Hilton, but let’s face it, she can’t be worse than George W. Bush, can she?

2 Responses to “Paris for Pres”

  1. Blogstruk responds:

    Who was that? I’ve never heard her string together that many words at one time. I can’t imagine how long it took her to say “strict environmental oversight” in one take.

    Nonetheless, it’s a funny video.

  2. Chris Hunt responds:

    Huh, as if the Americans would elect as their President a complete idiot who owed everything to who their father was.

    Oh, hang on…

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