Nonsense Trends

“Laptops are very hot now, so hot that they are not ‘lap’ tops anymore,” said Avik Ghosh, associate prof at the University of Virginia.

“If we continue at our current pace … these devices will be as hot as the sun in 10 to 20 years.”

The Register

Hmm. May I suggest that this trend won’t continue? Indeed, I would expect that laptops will always be considerably cooler than the surface of the sun, if only because most people will choose not to by laptops that would set themselves, their desks, their houses and their offices on fire.

Laptops which cause their users to combust, I theorise, would not sell as well as those which do not, and therefore beyond a certain temperature, people will not buy ‘hot’ laptops. Of course, I’m not an economist, so we’ll just have to wait 10 years to see whether it’s me who is right, or the Associate Professor at the University of Virginia.

One Response to “Nonsense Trends”

  1. Mike Cherim responds:

    We’re gonna need better plastics :0

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