Yeti Turns Out To Be Goat, Anyone for Yetihair sweater?

A while ago I wrote a post entitled of Aliens & Abominable Snowmen where I referenced a BBC News report which suggested that a series of tests carried out on hairs purported to be from a yeti had proved so far inconclusive.

But they are inconclusive no longer!

DNA tests on the hairs — obtained from the north-east Indian state of Meghalaya — show that they are from a goat known as a Himalayan GoralBBC News

The reason the first set of tests were inconclusive is that they were tested against all of the species known to live in that area. It did not match any of them, so it was sent for further testing, where it matched the goral, which was not previously believed to live in that area.

Obviously this explanation is slightly more prosaic than the Yeti one, but in itself still offers some interest as it means — as the article states — that the range of the Himalayan Goral must extend further south than previously thought (my guesstimates based on looking at maps of the range is by around 100 miles).

So the Himalayan Goral has a considerably more extensive range than was previously believed. Unless of course … it was carried there by a Yeti?

One Response to “Yeti Turns Out To Be Goat, Anyone for Yetihair sweater?”

  1. Ross responds:

    Dude Obviously the yeti carried it there, how else would you suggest it got there? Space aliens? i dont think so thats rediculous :)

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