Call Me Snarky

Wednesday, November 12, 2008 0:17 | Filed in Blogging, Memes

I took an online personality test, primarily because Rachel had done it. I wasn’t that impressed with it: I thought it was drawing an awful lot of inferences from quite a short set of questions. So I decided not to post about that.

Instead, Rachel pointed out that there is also another quiz on there to determine “What Kind Of Blogger Are You?”, which I thought looked a little more interesting. Apparently, I’m snarky. Bastards.

You’ve got a razor sharp wit that bloggers are secretly scared of.
You’re honest and critical. You never hold back, even if you’re opinion is controversial.
Okay, let’s be honest. You try to make your posts as controversial as possible!
And that’s why your audience reads your posts as often as they can.
What Kind of Blogger Are You?

However, I am a little surprised by the line that I “…try to make my posts as controversial as possible”, mostly because none of the questions I answered made any comment about controversy. I thought I was going for the “likes a joke” type of approach, which is not to my mind the same thing as controversial. Or maybe that is the controversy.

The most difficult question was “why do people like your blog?”. Well, I dunno. I presume some of you do — I have a number of regular commenters, and I can probably infer around least twenty times as many people read it (according to Nielsen, 95% of readers never comment on blogs), so I guess there is something you like. I can probably rule out the idea of me ‘scooping’ news stories, but a number of the other possibilities — that it’s simply because I’m hot, because I’m the master of the witty put-down, that I’m a friend, or that I write interesting stories — all seem quite possible.

It’s probably mostly that I’m hot, though. So, what kind of blogger are you?

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4 Comments to Call Me Snarky

  1. Jessica says:

    November 12th, 2008 at 1:59 pm

    You Are a Pundit Blogger!
    Your blog is smart, insightful, and always a quality read.
    You’re up on the latest news, and you have an interesting spin on things.
    Of all the blogging types, you put the most thought and effort into your blog.
    Truly appreciated by many, surpassed by only a

    To be honest I don’t see it.

  2. Steve says:

    November 12th, 2008 at 9:41 pm

    I always have a problem finishing these quizzes, and if I didn’t abandon them midway I would probably be classed as “short attention span” or “low boredom threshold”.

    Don’t all bloggers think they’re hot though? If you were plagued by any “not hot” doubts then would you blog at all?

  3. James Black says:

    November 14th, 2008 at 8:07 am

    On the topic of personality tests, (which I normally consider fun, and nothing more) you might be interested in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment, which is a “psychometric questionnaire” (*cough*wikipedia*cough*) that tests you on four dichotomies. In short, it uses your answers to seperate you in regards to different attitudes, functions, and lifestyles. The first dichotomy is Attitude: Introversion Vs Extroversion. The second, Function: Sensing Vs Intuition, the third, Function: Thinking Vs Feeling, and the fourth being Lifestyle: Judging Vs Perception.

    Although I partially mention this simply because I think you might find it interesting (it is one of, if not the, only “Personality test” I’d even consider taking seriously) I will admit that a part of me is selfish when informing you of this assessment: since I have taken it (various times over a period of two months to ensure the accuracy/results) I find myself intrigued by this, and try to pigeonhole others into the types as well.

    I have found that the explanations of the types (There are 16 each. 2 options per 4 dichotomies, 16) to be more than decently accurate — Although with only 16 types it’s accuracy is obviously limited. (Newer versions of the assessment have been made, but unlike the original MBTI, cannot be found for free online.)

    The tests you’ll find online aren’t kept to any standard so the accuracy suffers even more, but some decent sites to take the test at are:

    -James Black

  4. chartroose says:

    November 14th, 2008 at 11:43 pm

    I don’t know why you’re offended, Jack. You ARE a snarky blogger! That’s what makes you so much fun.

    I’m not going to reveal my results. It’s too friggin’ embarassing!

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