
One night, George was feeling a little bored, so he said to his wife Mabel, “I fancy a trip to the pub, put your coat on.”

“My coat?” she said, “Which one? Should I wear my blue one or my black one?”

“Whichever one you like, woman!” He snapped. “It’s just that I’m going to turn the heating off on my way out.”

…and there’s another husband/wife joke below the fold….

Later on that same year, George is deathly ill. After examining him, the Doctor has a hushed conference with Mabel.

“Your husband is suffering from a very serious stress related condition, I’m afraid.”

“Oh no,” said Mabel, “How bad is it?”

“Well, if George gets complete bed rest for three months; if you don’t nag at him, or stress him out in any way at all, and don’t let him do any household chores, cook him his favourite meal every day and always let him have his own way, he will definitely recover in time. But you will need to do all of this for quite some time, and with no stress whatsoever; otherwise he will probably die.”

Later, George calls over from his sick bed to his wife.

“Mabel, love, what did the Doctor say?”

“He says there’s nothing he can do, you’re going to die.”

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