Archive for October, 2009

Who Goes Here? (Site Statistics)

Saturday, October 31, 2009 7:20 4 Comments

One of the problems for people who trawl through their site statistics from time to time is a tendency to start looking at them too regularly and trying to find patterns which don’t actually exist. This is when you start asking yourself things like “how come my page visits are 0.3% down on last month?”. [...]

This was posted under category: Blogging, Technology, The Pickards

Council Resigns After Blogger Criticism

Friday, October 30, 2009 1:08 183 Comments

Yup, pretty much what it says on the tin. Eleven of the fifteen members of Somerton Town Council have resigned, because they are fed up with being criticised by a blogger, leaving the Council without a quorum (and therefore new elections are required before any council decisions can be made). On his Muck&Brass blog, resident [...]

This was posted under category: Blogging, Politics, Public Sector, Standards

The Greatest Show On Earth

Thursday, October 29, 2009 20:33 4 Comments

Richard Dawkins annoys me at times. I find his anti-religion rhetoric haranguing, no more pleasant than that of a gentleman wandering round the centre of town yelling that all sinners will “burn in a lake of hellfire”. To me, it doesn’t really matter which of them are right; it’s not polite, it’s not nice to [...]

This was posted under category: Books, Reviews, Science

Accessibility Allies Against A11y

Wednesday, October 28, 2009 7:20 43 Comments

One of the things common to all web geekery is the use of the acronym. Everyone has their favourite TLA even if some people will argue about the precise semantic definition of an acronym in the first place. I don’t really have a problem with the use of acronyms, provided that they are expanded (whether [...]

This was posted under category: Accessibility, Standards, Technology

Super Mondays Barcamp-tastic Whiteboard Skills Atrocious

Tuesday, October 27, 2009 7:20 11 Comments

Yes, as you might have guessed, SuperMondays, which I attended last month have had another event, and it has had a barcamp kind of a feel to it, with three different breakout sessions, each offering the chance to take in one of three different discussions (well, in theory). There was a little introduction to the [...]

This was posted under category: Local Interest, Technology

An Analytics Problem for the UK Public Sector

Monday, October 26, 2009 7:20 35 Comments

In short: if you’re a government site, you must have a stats audit, and you’re potentially about to head into a major problem with using cookies in future… It is mandatory for Government sites to have stats audits: In the current climate of open, transparent and accountable government, it is now mandatory for government websites [...]

This was posted under category: Accessibility, Public Sector, Standards, Technology

NaNo: meetings and splinter groups

Sunday, October 25, 2009 7:20 1 Comment

So, it was the NeNaNoWriMoMe today in Newcastle, at Caffe Nero in Newcastle. With the event set to kick off at 2pm, I made sure I got there a little early — a smidge before ten to — and looked around for the obvious bohemian types. There didn’t appear to be anyone furiously scribbling away [...]

This was posted under category: Fiction/Writing, Local Interest

@NakedWines — The Naked… Truth?

Saturday, October 24, 2009 7:20 5 Comments

Our household received a voucher from a company called Naked Wines. It said: “special treat for customers of – £40 naked wines voucher”. It also said “claim your voucher online or by telephone”; “choose your wines from our delicious range”; “next day delivery to your doorstep”, and the thing which I think is key [...]

This was posted under category: Branding, Ranting, Reviews


Friday, October 23, 2009 16:43 29 Comments

Afghanistans nomination commission has ordered a runoff selectionSpammer Err… yes… thanks for letting me know. I always seek to find out the latest international and political news through people posting comments on my blog which have nothing to do with the subject in question. You won’t catch me reading the paper, reading online news or [...]

This was posted under category: Scams & Spams

National Novel Writing Month

Tuesday, October 20, 2009 23:05 3 Comments

So as the start of National Novel Writing month approaches, I’ve allowed my mind to wander to the likes of plot from time to time. I’ve got two current ideas that I’m tossing around — one being a sword & sorcery caper that is an affectionate (but slightly piss-taking) look at dungeons and dragons and [...]

This was posted under category: Fiction/Writing