Comments on: The New World Order standards, accessibility, and ranting and general stuff by the web chemist Sun, 01 Feb 2009 07:54:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Shannon Shannon Wed, 28 Jan 2009 21:47:59 +0000 I really liked this post... just reread it and glad I came back to it to see silvermine's comment. Being a Texan myself, it sounded very 'Texan'. There really is a different mood down here. I love it. I really liked this post… just reread it and glad I came back to it to see silvermine’s comment. Being a Texan myself, it sounded very ‘Texan’. There really is a different mood down here. I love it.

By: JackP JackP Sun, 25 Jan 2009 00:21:47 +0000 @Silvermine - some interesting points. However, I would suggest that there is a big difference between <em>not liking a president</em> and <em>not liking the US</em>. As a teenager, I was probably guilty of equating the two, until I actually met, and got to know, some Americans. I don't really know enough about history to comment longer term, but I would say that during the Reagan conservative era, the UK still looked upon the US as something to 'aspire to', something definitely different to the GWB era. Equally, I find it interesting that the US seems to have such a big -- almost cultural -- downer on <em>socialism</em>, or anything that sounds too <em>lefty</em>. Don't take me the wrong way; I'm grown up enough to not have an axe to grind against the US <em>as a whole</em>, or against US citizens. I may disagree with <em>policies</em> or <em>politicians</em>, but equally I object at times to those of the UK. Thanks for stopping by and commenting, tho'. It's always fun when someone disagrees with me, particularly when -- as you did -- they make their point without assuming everyone else is automatically wrong or stupid. @Silvermine - some interesting points.

However, I would suggest that there is a big difference between not liking a president and not liking the US. As a teenager, I was probably guilty of equating the two, until I actually met, and got to know, some Americans.

I don’t really know enough about history to comment longer term, but I would say that during the Reagan conservative era, the UK still looked upon the US as something to ‘aspire to’, something definitely different to the GWB era.

Equally, I find it interesting that the US seems to have such a big — almost cultural — downer on socialism, or anything that sounds too lefty.

Don’t take me the wrong way; I’m grown up enough to not have an axe to grind against the US as a whole, or against US citizens. I may disagree with policies or politicians, but equally I object at times to those of the UK.

Thanks for stopping by and commenting, tho’. It’s always fun when someone disagrees with me, particularly when — as you did — they make their point without assuming everyone else is automatically wrong or stupid.

By: silvermine silvermine Sat, 24 Jan 2009 23:07:21 +0000 Bush was okay. I liked some things, didn't like others. No one is going to agree with me 100%. I agree with not bribing terrorists, hijackers, and pirates. I don't agree with most of his "compassionate conservatism". I really don't agree with the way he cleared the way for socialism. :P Anyway, being a student of history, I dare anyone to name a time the US was loved by the world. Seriously. Look back 40 years. 100 years. 200 years. Newspapers sound the same as they ever did. The US has never been adored. And we don't exist to do what you want, any more than you exist to do what we want. All I hear is about diversity and understanding... you know, except when it's ways we want to be different. Then we're simply vile. Thanks! Seriously, it's tongue in cheek. Mostly. It gets old after a while. Sorry if you don't like us. My job is to do what I think is right, not what I think is popular with people who don't even know me. If the world decides they don't like "cowboys", I don't care. I'm from Texas. I also advise just about everyone to go study some history and go read something that wasn't written by the liberal media. :D Bush was okay. I liked some things, didn’t like others. No one is going to agree with me 100%. I agree with not bribing terrorists, hijackers, and pirates. I don’t agree with most of his “compassionate conservatism”. I really don’t agree with the way he cleared the way for socialism. :P

Anyway, being a student of history, I dare anyone to name a time the US was loved by the world. Seriously. Look back 40 years. 100 years. 200 years. Newspapers sound the same as they ever did. The US has never been adored. And we don’t exist to do what you want, any more than you exist to do what we want. All I hear is about diversity and understanding… you know, except when it’s ways we want to be different. Then we’re simply vile. Thanks!

Seriously, it’s tongue in cheek. Mostly. It gets old after a while. Sorry if you don’t like us. My job is to do what I think is right, not what I think is popular with people who don’t even know me. If the world decides they don’t like “cowboys”, I don’t care. I’m from Texas.

I also advise just about everyone to go study some history and go read something that wasn’t written by the liberal media. :D

By: Shannon Shannon Sat, 24 Jan 2009 07:03:25 +0000 I would say that the average American hated him as well, even if they couldn't tell you why. I would say that the average American hated him as well, even if they couldn’t tell you why.
