Trial [2]: Weekly Twitterings for 2009-06-06
Saturday, June 6, 2009 7:20 | Filed in twitter
- #FACup 10 minutes to kick off. Fizzy pop, crisps and ice lollies. Ah, how things change when you become a family man. #
- Not impressed with the #GreatNorthMuseum It’s like the #Hancock museum always was, only seemingly tidier and – crucially- with less stuff. #
- #GreatNorthMuseum – where’s the pirhana? Where’s the bees? Where’s the night scene with badger, vole etc? Bring back the #Hancock #
- #facup fastest ever goal – louis saha. everton 1-0 #
- #FACup John Shaft investigates: Marouane Fellaini suspected of stealing his haircut. #
- #FACup “family” watching event not working very well. Kids watching simpsons upstairs, wife still in kitchen. Should have gone to pub! #
- #FACup don’t like Chelsea’s horrible yellow kit. Also think we should be due another goal by now. #
- #FACup Drogba 1-1. Bloody good header-er of the ball, that lad. Nice cross, too. #
- #FACup game seems to have livened up a bit. #
- #FACup I like Petr Cech’s helmet, but I reckon Fellaini’s hair would provide more protection. #
- #FACup nice bit of clever – but unlitmately pointless – turning from Anelka. #
- #FACup after the shock of going behind, Chelsea have come back into the game more and are starting to look like they are taking control. #
- #FACup remarkably crap take from Cech concedes a corner. #
- #FACup good ball in by Everton but falls for Chelsea to get clear. #
- #FACup half-time. #
- #FACup end to end stuff… without ever really looking like a goal at either end, unfortunately… #
- #FACup Lots of sunshine on the pitch: I suspect a considerable temperature difference between the bits in the shade and the bits in sun. #
- #FACup why is the commentator referring to Nicola Anelka? Is the ’s’ in Nicolas supposed to be silent, or has he had a sex change? #
- #FACup Chelsea taking the Michael: Michael Essien comes off for Michael Ballack… #
- #FACup nice cross, but poor header from Saha puts it over the bar. Still 1-1. #
- RT: @StarsandSpace: …..And…..When your children write their names in the household dust, don’t let them put the year. BFN. #
- #FACup ‘Cahill still moving gingerly’. Definitely seems to be struggling: not sure if this is something he can run off or needs to be subbed #
- #FACup good cross from Malouda, flying across 6 yard box; going so fast you can’t really blame Drogba for not making proper contact with it #
- #FACup I don’t like Moyes’ tie. #
- #FACup great goal from Lampard. #
- #FACup Lampard looks to lose the ball in a challenge; gets up, first to ball, smacks it into corner from outside box. 2-1 chelsea. #
- #FACup Pienaar has a shot from distance, drifts out for a goal kick. Cech never looked worried at all. #
- #FACup great play from Ashley Cole to keep ball in; Malouda forces a corner (but should have done better). Pienaar getting treatment. #
- #FACup Pienaar off, James Vaughan on for Everton. Always used to do well for me on Football Manager. What’s he like in real life? #
- #FACup Malouda hits bar, bounces down (but out), keeper grabs ball. #
- #FACup replay seems to show Malouda’s shot crossed the line when bouncing down. Wasn’t given, but hard to blame officials for missing that #
- #FACup petering out in last couple of mminutes. Everton pushing forward but without looking particularly dangerous. Into injury time. #
- #FACup Chelsea should really have done more with the chances they’ve had. #
- #FACup late free kick for Chelsea just outside area. Leighton Baines booked. #
- #FACup Chelsea won, and deservedly so. 2-1. #
- RT: @fatherdave I still do around 20 rounds of boxing each week. Only problem is, the older I get, the faster I was.
Dave #
- I see Ashley has decided to sell up. *sigh*. If he was going to do it, ‘twould have been better SORTED by now. Can he do nothing right? #fb #
- I managed to avoid watching the final of ITV thingy, but I think I’ve got the gist: annoying crying girl loses; boyle loses; dancers win #
- Wondering if I can get together a synchronised drinking team for #bgt next year. Frankly, there have been worse acts… #
- Tired. Very tired. Was unable to sleep last night until about 5am. Bah. #
- I see the anti-Boyle backlash has begun. It’s not as if the media coverage and hype was HER fault. Disappointed with public again. #fb #
- #kidsparty gets off to a good start- i get a lovely cup of tea. #
- #kidsparty musical chairs only standing on cloth circles. Son has survived first three rounds by moving no more than two inches from ‘hi … #
- #kidsparty kids have split streamers to wave but most being used as improvised cat o nine tails… #
- #kidsparty i did not realise there was a song which actually went ‘big fish little fish cardboard box’. Still, kids all having fun! #
- #kidsparty amazing how much fun you can have with an inflatable. #
- #kidsparty break for party food. Break essential as today is generally too hot. #
- Through the power of mobile internet i see #murray won. Back at #kidsparty food is over and playtime begins again #
- #kidsparty son getting worn out running around. Me getting worn out just watching. #
- #kidsparty gone all pom poms and high school musical. Not my bag, exactly, but the target audience – the kiddies – are loving it. #
- #kidsparty son hands over one of the sweets he has won to give to his little brother later. Say aaaah, bless… #
- #kidsparty ‘everyone put your hands out for a sweetie’. Turns out they only meant the kids… #
- #kidsparty nearly over, oddly after the queen number ‘don’t stop me now’. Just cake hand out time then home time. #
- Have placed my (postal) vote for the elections now. Usually what happens as soon as I have done this is canvassers start to call round. #
- RT: @Spacefrog29: Motorway fun? 1 Tie these balloons to car, 2 drive like bat out of hell 3 Watch people freak out #
- Ancelotti: happy at Milan, happy at Milan, happy at Milan, happy at Milan, happy at Milan, not sure, .. oh, I seem to be Chelsea manager… #
- gcluley taken in by hoax: there’s no way an MP would actually have 1500 “friends” RT: @gcluley: Tory MP hacked on Facebook #
- Receive Lib Dems election leaftlet throught he door the day after my wife and I have voted… timing! #
- Lib Dems election leaflet: “only lib dems can beat labour in the North East”. Er… how did we get a Con. MEP, then? election leaflet #fail #
- Viz subscription has arrived: Time for lunch! #
- From #Viz: “Maude claimed more than £8,500 for trouser pockets lined with mink”. “Prescott claimed £250K for gravy-powered steam railway” #
- From #Viz “I am angrier than anyone else that I have been allowed to take advantage of the parliamentary expenses system in this way”. #
- Forgot who told me (in pub?) one chuckle brother was other one’s dad. But they were wrong, as they are brothers. Only not called ‘chuckle’. #
- Cruel. Cruel. Cruel #Viz. “The Hunchback of Notre Dame’s Got Talent”. With Quasiboylo. Good pisstake of the whole #bgt thing though… #
- #bookpopstarcrossover (apologies if it’s been done): The Artist Formerly Known As Prince Caspian #
- “Filmgoers choose Museum over Hell”. Well, I think unless you REALLY don’t like museums most people would… #
- Unlike @pezholio I am not immune to ‘hot girls’. I am however immune to spammers who pose as such. I have a ‘block’ button and will use it. in reply to pezholio #
- Great headline from Beeb: “Council says you can neither have your cake nor eat it” – rather banal story here: #
- “i saw some bread the other day which reminded me of you. Only when I looked more closely it actually said thick cut” #fb #
- Great news: Steve Bruce takes over as sunderland manager. Finally he’ll be off our shortlists, the big-faced plastic geordie. #toon #
- Anyone in NZ want £2K engagement ring free? @donoogle_com giving clues to where ring (that didn’t work for him) hidden from sat 8am NZ time #
- Good news for #accessibility: copyright treaty for e-books for disabled readers survives US/EU resistance: #
- Added @brotherscider to #twewers list (UK brewers on twitter) Keep ‘em coming if you know more #
- Look, will all you spammers just F.R.O. That is all. Thank you. #twitterspamoverload #
- #twitterspamoverload @jamescousins is wrong about twitter ’spam diversity’. All spammers am seeing today are promoting a ‘weight loss berry’ #
- If you’ve not heard the scrotum/conveyer belt’ story before – Those with high ‘wince’ factor may wish to look away #
- If you wouldn’t be prepared to tell family, friends, colleagues who you voted for, then don’t vote for them. Vote for anyone but the BNP. #
- Am being followed by two priests/ministers (or at least who claim it). Still think having @Iehovah (God) as follower is a bigger scoop tho. #
- Loving some of the #footballchants I’ve heard today “when the ball hits your head, and you’re sat in row Z, that’s Zamora” #
- #footballchants “we love our itsy bitsy teeny weeny baldy headed Warren Feeney” #
- #footballchants although I like the self-deprecating also, like “we’re not singing any more” #
- Police ‘lies amnesty’ for dodgy insurance claims ‘but could face action from ins. companies’. Not much of amnesty! #
- Creed as tweet: the dad, son & spirit are god; god is dad, son & spirit; dad ? son, son ? dad, dad ? spirit, son ? spirit, spirit ? son. #
- As at 3rd June, WHO is getting ‘closer’ to declaring a global outbreak. Currently >19,000 cases in 66 countries. Seems quite global already! #
- Sad to hear Carradine’s death, but BBC dont say why maid in wardrobe: “found naked by a hotel maid in a wardrobe” #
- To be fair, the BNP aren’t paranoid when they think everyone’s against them. It’s just that, well, everyone’s against them. #
- On the one hand, health and safety rules can be a pain in the backside. On the other, this was NOT a good idea. #
- REMINDER: Could anyone talking about #bb10 please hashtag it so it’s easier to identify as part of the tide of shit I don’t want to read. #
- What d’you mean, grumpy? #
- I wish #spymaster was a bit more like #fightclub. At least as regards the first rule. #
- I’m sick of this leadership bickering. Labour going to lose the General, why not allow Brown to go down with the ship and then start afresh? #
- alternatively, let’s have a radical change in british politics #voteThePickardsfortyrannicaldictator #
- Election night is no fun without the results, stupid graphics, & politicians explaining a 43% swing against them represents ‘a good result’ #
- Cabinet reshuffle: more people I’ve at best only vaguely heard of change roles in a way I don’t even vaguely care about. #MFIcabinet #
- #Followfriday @YuffyMOH (museum Hartlepool) @twofootedtackle (footy) @jiminthemorning (BBC local DJ) @krishgm (C4 news) @stavros79 (dunno) #
- Congrats to H’angus the monkey for winning 3rd term as Hartlepool mayor. A former joke candidate seen as less of a joke than main parties. #
- I’d thought stuff about Sugar given a job in govt was a joke. “We’ll have Alan, ‘cos he’s off the telly”. Not a fucking clue. Brown out! #
- RT: @qwghlm: RT @ianvisits: One for your computer’s F5 button – RT @simonianson #
- For the love of God, no! Not him! RT @TGRWorzel: If Alan Sugar is “Enterprise Tsar”, should Jeremy Clarkson be offerred Transport Secretary? #
- RT @jonswaine If there’s one thing that’ll hold this government together & rebuild the economy, it’s the inventor of the Amstrad Emailer #
- RT: @Glinner: …that’s like thinking I don’t hate ukip because I only said I hated the bnp! I hate both! #
- Doctor Who for health secretary? #MFICabinet #
- Yvette Cooper may become new pensions secretary. Is she the one off of Most Haunted? (as Brown is now ‘Britain’s Most Haunted’ himself) #
- Late #followfriday for @espiritoart Only just found em so can’t say too much about tweets but am enjoying the blog #
- What about Phil Hiscock? RT @JamieRoss7 MPs should have fun names like Ed Balls to cheer up nation. I’d vote for an Ian Tits. #MFIcabinet #
- Voting should NOT be compulsory. But whinging about council/govt/EU should have mandatory prison sentence for those who did not vote. #
- RT: @TGRWorzel: …Or innocent names like Holding. We could then have classics: Chancellors Holding the Home Secretary’s Balls #MFIcabinet #
- After Sir Alan Sugar joins govt, there is a 2-way fight for “Culture tsar”, between Susan Boyle and the winner of #bb10 #MFICabinet. #
- Labour need a leader with charima, intelligence, wit, untainted by expensegate to have a chance at the general. I’m waiting by the phone… #
- RT: @StarsandSpace: In his spare time, my aged neighbour races pigeons. I don’t know why: he never beats them. #
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