Summer Cold or Swine Flu?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009 7:20 | Filed in Accessibility, Life

I was just offering congratulations to someone on Twitter the other day for being the first person I know to have contracted swine flu. I’ll leave her name out of it, as she has a policy of what is said on twitter remains on twitter, but she will know who she is.

I had in fact woken up that same morning suffering from a summer cold. I had a runny/blocked nose, a bit of a temperature, and I was feeling under the weather. One minor part of me wondered if I was suffering from swine flu, but I dismissed this part as a hypochondriac — I was feeling under the weather as opposed to flat on my back — and I happily assumed it was a summer cold.

Only by that afternoon, I wasn’t quite so sure. The extreme tiredness aspect was beginning to kick in (and as I wasn’t looking after the kids at this point, it wasn’t that), and I had a high temperature, and I’d started sneezing and coughing quite a bit. Now I don’t know exactly how high my temperature was supposed to be to be diagnosed as swine flu, but as I’d been taking paracetamol to take the edge off the temperature and besides which I don’t think I’ve got a thermometer (although it’s possible there is a baby forehead one around somewhere…) so I wasn’t sure on the testing for that exactly.

So someone suggested that I go to the GP, which is rather missing the point: if you think you might have swine flu, you aren’t supposed to go to the doctors, and if the doctor can’t examine you then I don’t really see the point of phoning them up, particularly as I appear to be unwell, as opposed to seriously ill.

Besides which, having read Ben Goldacre’s piece, I know that those people who take tamiflu have a 20% better chance of having their symptoms relieved than those with a placebo; and will reduce the average length of exhibited symptoms by 16 hours. I can’t help but think therefore that limited stocks should be reserved for those who are seriously ill, as opposed to those people who feel somewhat grotty.

Today, while my temperature wasn’t exactly spiking (lots of cool drinks, having the fan on) I was certainly a bit on the hot side: one alternative way of describing this would be to say that I was being somewhat of a sweaty bastard, although I’d managed to pick up an extra couple of symptoms — the headache and starting to feel somewhat ‘achy’.

Again, there’s the little hypochondriac message saying “well, that’s it, you must have swine flu”, while the rest of me is saying that these symptoms might also fit with having a summer cold and/or generally being a bit run down. So instead, following the advice of my tamiflu-taking twitter friend, I decided to consult the NHS Symptom Checker to work out whether or not I officially have swine flu.

The first question asks whether I am conscious and capable of reacting normally. The first is obviously a clear yes, the second possibly depends on whether or not thinking ‘I’ll have to blog this’ is reacting normally. But for the purposes of the test, I clicked yes.

I was then asked whether or not I was unwell with flu-like symptoms or simply concerned about swine flu. This seemed an odd question to ask at this stage. Firstly, based on the previous question, if you’ve arrived at this page because you’re dealing with someone you are caring for who is ‘responding to gentle shaking’, you’ve probably already established that something is wrong, and it’s not just a generic enquiry about flu symptoms. It seems a little odd therefore to have the first question asking whether or not I do have flu symptoms…

…it’s then even less helpful when I encounter this on clicking yes to the symptoms:

We’re sorry, the page you are looking for cannot be foundNHS Direct: Swine Flu Advice

Of course, me being a webbie geek, I quickly establish that this is because I was browsing with javascript disabled, and obviously the NHS does not feel the need to cater for people who cannot support javascript. This is certainly a potentially large accessibility fail (although it is simply the .NET postback which is well supported by assistive technology, there’s no guarantee that people browsing on mobile devices will be able to run it, either).

Anyway, once javascript is enabled, it then asks me questions to try and establish whether I’m having a heart attack. Fortunately, this doesn’t seem to be the case and so I continue further… where it then asks me questions to see if I have meningitis (it appears not) or something else not described but sounding somewhat like the plague:

I am developing pinprick marks that are changing into purple blotches, bruises or blood blistersNHS Direct: Do you have any of the following symptoms?

Again, that’s a no, so I can move onto the colds and flu territory.

Do I have I high temperature or feel shivery? Yes. It would appear that my temperature is still slightly elevated despite the use of paracetamol, so that’s a yes. And then you basically get to the symptoms list:

  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Runny nose
  • Limb or joint pain
  • Fatigue
  • Vomiting
  • The Shits*

NHS Direct: Flu-Like Symptoms

*note this wasn’t precisely how they phrased it, but ‘the shits’ is easier to spell.

You’re asked if you have two or more of these symptoms, in addition to the high temperature. Cough and runny nose are definite yesses, so even if I’m quibbling whether ‘aching a bit’ and ‘a bit of a headache’ are enough to count, I pass.

It’s worth noting that when working your way through this checklist, you will frequently encounter the message “waiting for” as I suspect they are finding their site is being visited somewhat more than usual at the moment.

I’m then asked whether my symptoms are getting better or worse despite self-care treatment, and whether or not I’m in some at risk group or other. As I don’t appear to be suffering too badly: feeling really tired and spending much of the day dozing does not to me equate to ‘requires urgent medical attention’, I’m happy to say no, I’m happy to self-med with paracetamol for this, and then that’s it.

That’s the end of the symptom checker. At no point does it specifically state that I have qualified as having swine flu (which is obviously worth more points with the wife in terms of getting out of housework). There’s certainly no award or anything.

Swine Flu (Tick)

Well, it does offer an image with a tick in it and the words ‘swine flu’, which I suppose is their way of saying “congratulations, you’ve passed: it would appear that you have swine flu”. Or whether it’s just their way of saying well we can’t prove that you haven’t got swine flu, so just to be on the safe side, could you stay at home with a big red cross painted on your door until you’re completely better, if it’s quite alright with you, thanks, that’s great.

However I can’t help but feel that if this is swine flu, then I don’t really see what all the fuss is about. On the other hand, if it’s just a really bad cold, then it’s a bit worse than I would normally be with a cold (particularly in terms of temperature & spending time dozing). So I’ve still not got the foggiest — while it would appear that I have officially got swine flu, I don’t necessarily think that this is the same thing as actually having swine flu.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off for some more paracetamol, a good sneeze, and a bit of a lie down…

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70 Comments to Summer Cold or Swine Flu?

  1. The Goldfish says:

    July 22nd, 2009 at 10:12 am

    Thing about Tamiflu is that for most people, it reduces the symptoms (or appears to reduce the symptom) of a relatively mild illness. However, Tamiflu can save the lives of people who are likely to get seriously ill.

    And of course, will make increasingly less difference the longer you wait – at this point, or indeed, at the point where someone knows they are seriously ill – it is too late to bother. That’s why everyone who gets Swine Flu should take it a.s.a.p. Also as Goldacre says, if they reduce the symptoms, they reduce the spread of disease.

    Seriously Jack, if you’re kids begin to get sick with the same symptoms, I would make a phone call. You’d not be causing a fuss, just following instructions. I’m sure you would anyway.

    And here we come to “I can’t help but feel that if this is swine flu, then I don’t really see what all the fuss is about.”

    Two points, There are lots of people, myself included, who know we would be in real danger if we got the flu. And it is impossible to isolate ourselves. I’m not really scared but I am taking precautions. Meanwhile, there are healthy people who are vulnerable but don’t know it yet.

    Secondly, the more it spreads, the more opportunity it has to mutate into something which is more dangerous to more people – to healthy, non-disabled people who are not so expendable. This would be far more dangerous that the regular mutations of seasonal flu because most people have had at least one strain of seasonal flu, most people’s immune systems have met that git virus before. Not so with Swine Flu (although there is suggestion that people who got flu in the 1968 epidemic are displaying some level of immunity to this one).

    I’m not having a go, I’m just venting a little really. Trouble is that the media have enjoyed the panic at a stage long before there’s anything to panic about. And many healthily skeptical people respond to that by thinking it is a complete fuss about nothing. However, what we need is something in between; the more people who get Swine Flu but behave responsibly about it and follow medical advice, fewer people will die.

    Anyway, get well soon!

  2. Suziflooze says:

    July 22nd, 2009 at 12:03 pm

    I too officially have the swine flu according to the NHS direct website – or at least I got the appreciative tick against swine flu at the end – get this…

    Despite only saying yes at the beginning to having cold or flu symptoms, but NO to having at least two of the others.

    Hmmm great!

    I too think I may have the beginnings of a summer cold but am concerned that if it is beginnings of swine flu I need to get the Tamiflu asap as I am a vulnerable person (with medicated asthma) for whom the symptoms can be severe.

    The problem is you can get it mildly, or you can die – those are two quite vast extremes but you don’t know which one you’ll be until it happens.

    Right now I only have manic sneezing and runny nose which I usually get if I am coming down with something, I have also been feeling chilly, and sometimes flushed but again only mildly… so what to do?

    The NHS symptom checker however is surelty going to cause mass hysteria if it says “yes you have swine flu” when all I admitted to was a runny nose and cold symptoms.

  3. JackP says:

    July 22nd, 2009 at 1:55 pm

    part of the problem is that I’m not entirely convinced it is swineflu. Yes, it fits the symptoms, but so does a cold, and while it would seem a bad cold, it’s nowhere near a ‘flu’ level illness based on my previous experiences.

    I’m not meaning to belittle the danger it can cause some people (some previously otherwise healthy people have died of it in the UK, for example), merely that if this is it, then based on my personal experience, the hysteria is overblown.

    Actually, I think the hysteria is probably overblown anyway: not that it can’t be dangerous, just that the hysteria is out of proportion…

  4. The Goldfish says:

    July 22nd, 2009 at 5:16 pm

    Hysteria does tend to be out of proportion. ;-P

    Thing is, if you had phoned your GP when you’d become ill, he or she would have been able to exercise his or her medical opinion from what you described much better than a website. Leave it to the professionals! The government hasn’t told us all “If you are 100% you have Swine Flu, phone your doctor.” They’ve only told us what to do if we think we might have these symptoms.

    Now of course there will be lots of people phoning up with “My toe-nail is broken, could I have Swine Flu?” but you do fit the criteria.

    Undoubtedly, there are some people taking Tamiflu who won’t actually have Swine Flu, but given that there is enough to go around, that’s better than lots of people with Swine Flu not taking it.

    Like I say, not having a go. I don’t think you have behaved irresponsibly. But like I say, I would be careful about your kids, who are more vulnerable than you are (even though, again, they would most probably only have a relatively minor illness).

  5. Simon says:

    July 28th, 2009 at 10:15 am

    Yeah, I have similar symptoms and, as I live in Scotland I have to use an alternate site wich gives you a worrying “CALL 999!” in bright red!

    Of course I decided against this, and just stayed home instead. Felt no worse than a heavy cold.

  6. ben j says:

    July 29th, 2009 at 8:40 am

    Best writeup I’ve seen so far – almost mirrors my predicament.

    I got a sore throat on the Saturday, but thought nothing of it other then dehydration so went about my day as usual. Sunday I had a temperature and a blocked nose and a dry cough. The temperature ‘pissed me off’, for want of a better phrase, but I wouldn’t class it as a banging headache.

    Monday comes along so I do the NHS jobbo and it says I may have swine flu (assuming this is the assessment) – so I get my Tamiflu assuming it to be like a vodka shot of something only to find it’s a bleeding 5 day course and I’m already 48 hours into the thing.

    Tuesday arrives and I’m feeling pretty much the same but perk up as the ‘light hours’ arrive, only to have my temp go back above 38 come the evening.

    At no point have I had the shits or sickness but this dry cough is really beginning to get on my tits – I don’t mind when a cough has broken and you can hack it up. Other than that feeling okish so far today.

    Do wish, however, that the government would put some forced procedure into place with people who are suspected to have it – should I have gone back to work today or do I wait for a whole day with the all clear? I may go back and infect everyone if I go back early.

    Also, how do I know if it is swine flu without some kind of blood test? Can you find out after you have got better, if you do? I normally have a seasonal virus once a year that KO’s me from anything for 2-5 days, but these are always during the winter – I can’t recall me having a ‘summer cough’ – ever.

  7. Bunbury says:

    July 29th, 2009 at 6:40 pm

    Good to stumble across this blog. I had friends staying at the weekend one of whom has subsequently been ‘diagnosed’ with curly-whirly flu. I have felt under the weather since with mild symptoms as described on NHS website and have stayed away from people and in bed – tiredness being a prime consideration. Having done the online diagnosis, was prescribed tamiflu but would rather stick to elderberry supplements and vitamin D (both with antiviral properties) – tho do recognise that the SF could be dangerous for those with underlying health issues.

    But what keeps going through my mind are the number of people I know – me included – who suffered from a really nasty severe cold with awful persistent cough last winter, many of whose symptoms coincide with this H1N1 virus. I am no medic but I do wonder if there is any coincidence that those who had that cold and cough and are unwell at moment are showing only mild symptoms? Whatever the case thoughts are with those who are suffering badly… flu is not nice.

  8. deedee123 says:

    August 2nd, 2009 at 4:45 pm

    After reading this article I feel more reassured that it’s not just me that seems to be a bit confused about how I should be suffering.
    I stopped at a friends house last week only to find she had been diagnosed with swine flu a few days later, given how the media and NHS have warned us about how infectious it is, I resigned myself to the fact I was also going to be a victim sooner rather than later.
    So the symptoms began: chills, hot sweats, headaches….and that’s it. Although I felt under the weather, such symptoms would not normally stop me from going about my daily routine…however, I live my sister who has jus given birth two days ago and work with clients with special needs and physical health problems.
    I rang the NHS number to be cautious only to be told I may have the virus and was prescribed Tamiflu. The whole family have now insisted I’m quarantined and don’t leave my bedroom for a week (I feel boredom will kill me before swine flu does) yet some family members feel that if I had ‘proper’ flu I’d be bedridden and seriously sick and feel I’m being a hypochondriac….but won’t go near me just in case.
    So now I’m in a I stay in bed and play the role of a sick patient feeling like a fraud because whilst I’m under the weather, I’ve suffered with worse ailments in my lifetime. Taking time off at work is frowned upon given the workload I currently have. My friend said my symptoms will get much worse in a day or so,yet some people have had very mild symptoms; do I lie in bed waiting to be really ill?
    Or do I take extra precautions and take a couple of days off? I have a duty of care to my clients, in addition to my family not to spread the disease further. I would never forgive myself if anyone were to fall seriously ill because of my complacent attitude.
    I don’t want to dismiss swine flu as a hyped up ‘media circus’ and realise the vulnerable groups are in serious danger but from personal experience I’m dubious as to whether I have got it at all and if I have – I’m relieved it’s not half as bad as I initially thought.

  9. Cameron09 says:

    August 5th, 2009 at 6:57 pm

    I have completed the online asessment this afternoon after developing some of the symptoms gradually as the day has gone on…
    They gave me a code and prescribed me with tamiflu which i have since had collected for me.
    However im unsure as to take them i feel no different to just having a normal cold just really achy and have ‘jelly legs and arms’ I’m thinking that if this isn’t swine flu and is just another summer cold, if i take my tamiflu and then contract swine flu in the future and need anti-virals, they ar’nt going to be able to give me them again!
    Im very confused i have 2 young children to look after one coming up 4 and the other 10months old… just a little unsure about it all to be honest

  10. Donna says:

    August 7th, 2009 at 7:07 pm

    Hi guys….

    Well My Partner became ill saturday and ended up in bed from saturday – tuesday… On sunday i did the online survey for swine flu, and it said he had it, so his mum kindly picked up Tamiflu, and he took them..

    His symptoms were, chills, high temp, severe tiredness, aches, cough,sore trout, and headache..

    Monday eve our 2 yr old has a high temp, i gave her calpol, tuesday she seemed fine, but i did the online survey and again said she had swine flu, wed night my head started to tingle, nose started running, cough, sneezing and now today my eyes are streaming, i did the online survey and i too have it.. But i am not bed ridden just feels like a bad cold with a tickle in my nose which is getting on my tits! And when i go outside my eyes are streaming worse!

    But none the less my mother inlaw is picking up mine and my 2 year old’s tamiflu to have in cupboard just incase, seen as we have our numbers, we will not be able to do the survey again..

    But like i said i have felt worse, like 6 weeks ago i was ill for 3-4 days, could not even go on my laptop, just wanted to lay down..

    sooo who knows?

    But if you think you have it, get the tamiflu anyway cus once you have been given the code you can not get it again, keep it in cupboard if you don’t need it..

  11. Pig of destiny says:

    August 21st, 2009 at 9:44 am

    To cut a long story short: I developed cold symptoms a few days after a collegue had been diagnosed with swine flu. Work had advised us to be cautious and check our symptoms before coming in so as not to spread the dreaded SF.

    I went on the website and ended up being diagnosed with SF and given my antivirals code. This was mainly due to my not having a thermometer in the house and not being able to tell if my raised temperature was above 38 degrees. I think I just have a cold in all honesty and was shocked when the thing came up with the code. I phoned all the numbers given by NHS website to say I didn’t want the prescription – could it be cancelled/postponed and was eventually told that I should have my husband collect it for me anyway as I would not get another code.

    This all seems crazy to me, surely there should be a second check before they start handing out drugs? I now feel like I have to collect the prescription incase I do end up getting SF at some point!

    The media should really tell people to buy thermometers and I bet loads of people who do have the symptoms but not actually swine flu would not get the code from the internet.

  12. amy says:

    January 15th, 2010 at 8:06 pm

    THE SHITS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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